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Cost of an extension
We always get asked the this question first when we meet with customers. How much will an extension cost?” The answer is neverRead more

Need more than just a builder, when planning your project.
Thinking of a new project for your home or office, make sure you know what you need for planning before you start! We always advise you contactRead more

What can we offer you?
How was Home Improvement Month for you?! It was in April by the way! If you have now been inspired to make home improvements for your livingRead more

Safety tips for your and your business
“Fire has the potential to wipe out everything in its path in just minutes. It can smoulder undetected for hours then suddenly explode engulfing theRead more

Permitted Development Rights changes – what does this mean?
In March 2018, the Housing Minister, Dominic Raab announced changes to the permitted development rights which increases the number of new homes thatRead more

We are on board with
We were excited to receive a message through our social media in December asking us to work with MumsTrusted exclusively in the York area. ForRead more

A Guide to Plot Types
Thinking of building a property in partnership with a building company? Then take a look at this great blog we found giving you all you need toRead more

Choosing windows for your house
At Charleswood Property, we always like to share top tips. Here are some thoughts on what to consider when choosing new windows for yourRead more