Permitted Development Rights changes – what does this mean?
In March 2018, the Housing Minister, Dominic Raab announced changes to the permitted development rights which increases the number of new homes that can be built from an existing agricultural building from three to five.
The changes will allow for:
- Up to three larger homes with a maximum of 465 square metres (an increase of 15 square metres); or
- Up to five smaller homes, each no larger than 100 square metres; or
- A mix of both, with a total number of no more than five homes, of which no more than three may be larger homes.
The change is hoping to boost the potential number of new homes that can be built using agricultural buildings to help meet local housing needs.
There is also additional time allocated to allow applicants to convert existing further storage into homes if they wish.
The final part of the announcement was the increase in the size of new agricultural buildings on larger farms from 465 square metres to 1,000 square metres.
So, all good news if you have been thinking of converting buildings on your land, or of you have already had a conversion there are further options to go larger!
We are here to help and can help and advice with our network of planners and architects to enable you to get the most out of your space. Interested then get in touch today.